Level 5 Crowd Safety Course - Applied Crowd Science
The Applied Crowd Science course is a Level 5 qualification (Highfield). On this course, we cover the crowd science and risk analysis tools with their application for planning and managing places of public assembly in depth. There are 20 modules/topics in this course. We expand on all the themes in the Fundamentals course and provide an extensive range of documents for your studies. This course includes the 3D Crowds crowd visualising software.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this course is to provide an insight into the causes (and prevention) of crowd related disasters. The objective of this course is to provide the user with the relevant tools and methods to assess crowd safety and crowd risk analysis in places of public assembly. To pass this course, the learner must submit two written assignments and attain more than 70% (pass).
1. Course Introduction
In this section, we introduce the course format, outline the course topics and show you how to proceed through the Moodle system and access the course materials. Click on the lectures and slides link below (or on the panel on the left) to take you to each topic's video clips of the course materials. In the resources folders, you will find further reading materials.
2. The DIM-ICE risk model
This module outlines the underlying causality of significant accidents and incidents. We cover the development and use of the DIM-ICE model and provide a template to the delegates for their review. Then, we outline the principles and applications of crowd science, crowd modelling and crowd risk analysis. The modelling approach also covers different perspectives of crowd safety and risk analysis, and we outline how design, information and management influence crowd behaviour in the built and complex environment.
Lesson Topics
1 Introduction
2 Understanding the underlying causality of crowd accidents and incidents
3 History of accidents and incidents
4 Understanding perceptions/perspective
5 How crowds are influenced by design, information and management
6 Understand how crowds perceive the built and complex environments
7 Understand problems with signage/information at venues and events
8 Management process and crowd perceptions of management
9 Managing crowds safely
10 The DIM-ICE risk analysis models and their application
3. DIM-ICE Examples
This module shows a wide range of examples of using the DIM-ICE models. Highlighting how design influences crowd behaviour, how information influences crowd behaviour and how mangement style influence crowd behaviour. These all serve to illustrate the use and application of the DIM-ICE model
Lesson Topics
1 Design and behaviour
2 Crowd interactions
3 Information systems
4. How information influences behaviour
5 Case study - America's Next Top Model riot
6 Confusing signage
7 Embedding information in the environment
8 Differentiating spaces
9 Management systems
10 Design and management
11 Understanding crowd dynamics
12 The DIM-ICE risk analysis
4. Crowd dynamics
In this module, we outline the principles of crowd dynamics. We focus on risks associated with packing density (static crowds) and moving space requirements (dynamic crowds) for crowd safety and crowd risk analysis. We also outline the formation of “shock waves” in the crowd and how they develop. The module includes two assessments for system design.
Lesson Topics
1 Static crowd density
2 Moving crowd density
3 Crowd shockwaves
4 Crowd collapse
5 The dynamics of crowd collapse
6 Queuing systems
7 Flowing systems
5. Crowd modelling
The goal of this course module is to define event planning, crowd and event modelling, spatial analysis and how design influences crowd behaviour. We outline the principles of modelling crowds and events safety. We also highlight the use of models in a control room environment for early warning indications of potential crowd problems.
Lesson Topics
1 How to evaluate space
2 How to map crowded spaces
3 What is a model
4 How to model a site
5 How to influence site egress
6 Understand how to represent crowd flow on a site model
7 Understand the risks associated with a high density crowded space
8 Understand how to influence egress behaviour
6. RAMP analysis
The goal of this course module is to define the crowd dynamics using a technique we call a "RAMP" Analysis. This looks at the Routes, the Areas, the Movement (over time) and the crowd Profile (People) of the event space. This focus is on the crowd dynamics approaching, moving around and departing the site. We outline the principles and applications of RAMP analysis using a case study from a real-time crowd counting example.
Lesson Topics
1 Understanding the process of approximations
2 Defining complex spaces using approximations
3 Routes, Areas, Movement and Profile/People definitions
4 Establishing the arrival profile
5 Establishing crowd profiles
6 Using RAMP analysis for planning and managing crowds
7 How this was used to evaluate mass gatherings (case studies)
7. Crowd counting
The goal of this module is to demonstrate how we can assess crowd numbers using first pass approximations, the RAMP analysis and use this as a teaching exercise (Hong Kong protest march)
Lesson Topics
1 Crowd counting accuracy
2 Area analysis
3 Crowd density
4. Spot (area) analysis
5 Density and flow analysis
6 Transport and assembly areas (video)
7 Flow counting
8 Issues with crowd counting
8. Crowd monitoring
The goal of this module is to demonstrate how models can assist in decision support when they are integrated into the control room monitoring systems. We outline how to use the principles of influencing crowd behaviour for crowd safety management. We highlight the problem of control room perceptions and how to enhance the detection of potential crowd problems in the control room.
Lesson Topics
1 Inattentional blindness
2 Change blindness
3 Peripheral vision blindness
4 Influencing crowd behaviour
5 Crowd crazing
6 Influences of social media on crowds
7 How crowd behaviour is manipulated by marketing companies
9. Control room information
In this module, we show how models can be integrated into the control room monitoring systems. We illustrate the principles of attention, and why it is essential to understand the way our minds focus on information.
Lesson Topics
1 Attention and awareness (TED Talk)
2 Keeping information in the right place
3 Control room reference graphics
10. Queueing systems
The focus of this module is to establish the principles of how queues form and how crowds react in queueing systems. We outline the balance between safety (screening/searching) and security coupled with the crowd risks when queueing regimes are changed. We cover the principles of queueing behaviour, psychology and dynamics. We introduce the delegates to the general queueing model formula for determining queue build up over time. We focus on the balance between crowd safety and crowd security.
Lesson Topics
1 Queueing behaviour
2 Queueing systems
3 Balancing safety and security for events/venues/sites
4 Ingress (arrival rates)
5 Egress queuing systems
6 Site design for queueing systems
7 Using the queueing models
11. Crowd risk analysis
In this module, we introduce the students to the issues of public perceptions of risks, the professional perception of risk and issues related to risk reporting. We introduce the concepts of risk and congestion mapping for places of public assembly.
Lesson Topics
1 How the public perceives risks
2 How professional perceive risk
3 Key elements in risk awareness
4 Risk analysis during incident investigation
5 How the public understand risks (examples)
6 Key risk liabilities
7 The risk analysis process
8 Problems with information in the risk analysis
9 How to capture and communicate risks
10 Using the risk mapping for event planning/management
12. Site design
In this module, we review how crowd move around sites, how to construct a connection diagram and how to use this for site design. We outline the principles of using a basic connection diagram to assess crowd dynamics within a complex site.
Lesson Topics
1 Network modelling
2 Braess’s paradox
3 How to recognise Braess’s paradox
4 Modelling the Olympics site (1)
5 Calculating the minimum width of a route
6 Modelling the Olympic site (2)
7 Exhibition application
13. Event egress analysis
The objective of this module is to facilitate an event egress problem for the students to risk assess. The students are provided with a case study and introduced to the site dimensions and taken through a guided application of the risk assessment.
Lesson Topics
1 How to read maps/plans and apply data to a case study
2 How to model a site
3 How to communicate the risks
4 How to address key safety issues on a case study
14. Emergency response
Determining the resources required to provide optimal resource cover for a complex site has proven to be a very effective tool for cost-effective site cover. In this lecture, we cover the principles of using connection diagrams to determine optimal, cost-effective, resource deployment. In this module, we demonstrate how to apply the principles of network analysis to the problem of reducing the emergency response time for a complex site.
Lesson Topics
1 Network analysis
2 Time evaluation
3 Minimum response time analysis
4 Average response time analysis
5 Risk-Adjusted response time analysis
6 Application for a large area analysis
15. Crowd simulations
In this module, we outline the problems with simulations and how simulations and real-time analysis can provide misleading results. We demonstrate a Progressive crowd collapse for a Premier League analysis (UK) and evaluate how these risks can be identified and mitigated in stadia. We show how progressive crowd collapse can occur at a concert and the trigger effect that leads to progressive crowd collapse. We illustrate the difference between the “Hollywood” crowd/model, the computer scientists’ crowd/model and the risk analysis modelling approach to simulations. We outline the application of crowd simulations for risk analysis with emphasis on the “good, the bad and the dangerous” use of crowd simulations for major event planning.
Lesson Topics
1 Limits to crowd simulations (density limits)
2 Real crowd density
3 Crowd Collapse
4 Pressure modelling
5 Modelling crowd collapse
6 Examples of crowd collapse at football matches
7 Crowd collapse at a concert
8 Examples of different types of crowd simulations
9 How to use the simulation for crowd safety and risk analysis
16. Decision analysis
Assessing and analysing the effective use of resources, where investment is required, assessing communications and their effectiveness for events and determining key areas of vulnerabilities are covered in this lecture. In this module, we demonstrate the use of matrix analysis for crowd communication, professional communication, risk analysis related to time and location and how to build a crowd decision support analysis.
Lesson Topics
1 Examples of various decision support analysis techniques
2 Crowd communication
3 Risk v location v time
4 Time v density v flow v risk
17. Emergency situations
In this module, we outline the behavioural elements for an emergency situation, viewing the problems of emergency egress from the crowd’s perspective. We cover the human factors during emergency situations with specific focus on behavioural based safety, emergency communications.
Lesson Topics
1 Media issues and media management
2 Planning and anticipating problems
3 The recovery cycles
4 Communication with the Crowd
5 Mixed messages
6 Crowd behaviour in an emergency
7 Modelling major site evacuation plans
8 How to use a real-time evacuation system
9 Example – human behaviour in an emergency
10 Complacency on a site
11 Modelling evacuation
12 Understanding human behaviour in an emergency
13 Behavioural-based safety
14 Egress strategies and decision support analysis
18. Course summary
This module is a summary of all the core lectures and content for this course.
Lesson Topics
1 Introduction and overview
2 The DIM-ICE risk model
3 Crowd dynamics and crowd risks (Static and Moving)
4 Crowd Modelling for Events
5 RAMP Analysis
6 Crowd monitoring
7 Introduction to queueing systems
8 Risk Analysis
9 Site design considerations
10 Event egress analysis
11 Optimising emergency responses
12 Crowd simulations
13 Decision support analysis
14 Emergency Situations
19. Report writing
In this module, we cover how to write to the academic style and use Harvard referencing. You can submit a draft (typically the table of contents and some notes) for review prior to submitting your essays, via email.
20. The assessment papers
The first assessment paper is an essay discussing the development, application and a critical analysis of crowd science (crowd modelling and crowd dynamics). The minimum word count is 1,500 words. There is no upper limit to the word count.
The second assessment paper is an essay discussing the development, application, and uses of the various models discussed in the lectures. You must include examples of the modelling tools for an event including a critical analysis of their application. DIM-ICE, Density and flow rates, Risk and Congestion Mapping, RAMP Analysis, Decision Support Analysis, related to an event of your choice. Again, the minimum word count is 1,500 words. There is no upper limit to the word count.
The Applied Crowd Science course is a Level 5 qualification (Highfield). On this course, we cover the crowd science and risk analysis tools with their application for planning and managing places of public assembly in depth. There are 20 modules/topics in this course. We expand on all the themes in the Fundamentals course and provide an extensive range of documents for your studies. This course includes the 3D Crowds crowd visualising software.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this course is to provide an insight into the causes (and prevention) of crowd related disasters. The objective of this course is to provide the user with the relevant tools and methods to assess crowd safety and crowd risk analysis in places of public assembly. To pass this course, the learner must submit two written assignments and attain more than 70% (pass).
- Individual Rate is £800
- Group Rate 5 - 10 learners (-15%)
- For larger group rates, please email [email protected]
- To purchase, please email [email protected] for BACs or PayPal/Credit card invoices.
1. Course Introduction
In this section, we introduce the course format, outline the course topics and show you how to proceed through the Moodle system and access the course materials. Click on the lectures and slides link below (or on the panel on the left) to take you to each topic's video clips of the course materials. In the resources folders, you will find further reading materials.
2. The DIM-ICE risk model
This module outlines the underlying causality of significant accidents and incidents. We cover the development and use of the DIM-ICE model and provide a template to the delegates for their review. Then, we outline the principles and applications of crowd science, crowd modelling and crowd risk analysis. The modelling approach also covers different perspectives of crowd safety and risk analysis, and we outline how design, information and management influence crowd behaviour in the built and complex environment.
Lesson Topics
1 Introduction
2 Understanding the underlying causality of crowd accidents and incidents
3 History of accidents and incidents
4 Understanding perceptions/perspective
5 How crowds are influenced by design, information and management
6 Understand how crowds perceive the built and complex environments
7 Understand problems with signage/information at venues and events
8 Management process and crowd perceptions of management
9 Managing crowds safely
10 The DIM-ICE risk analysis models and their application
3. DIM-ICE Examples
This module shows a wide range of examples of using the DIM-ICE models. Highlighting how design influences crowd behaviour, how information influences crowd behaviour and how mangement style influence crowd behaviour. These all serve to illustrate the use and application of the DIM-ICE model
Lesson Topics
1 Design and behaviour
2 Crowd interactions
3 Information systems
4. How information influences behaviour
5 Case study - America's Next Top Model riot
6 Confusing signage
7 Embedding information in the environment
8 Differentiating spaces
9 Management systems
10 Design and management
11 Understanding crowd dynamics
12 The DIM-ICE risk analysis
4. Crowd dynamics
In this module, we outline the principles of crowd dynamics. We focus on risks associated with packing density (static crowds) and moving space requirements (dynamic crowds) for crowd safety and crowd risk analysis. We also outline the formation of “shock waves” in the crowd and how they develop. The module includes two assessments for system design.
Lesson Topics
1 Static crowd density
2 Moving crowd density
3 Crowd shockwaves
4 Crowd collapse
5 The dynamics of crowd collapse
6 Queuing systems
7 Flowing systems
5. Crowd modelling
The goal of this course module is to define event planning, crowd and event modelling, spatial analysis and how design influences crowd behaviour. We outline the principles of modelling crowds and events safety. We also highlight the use of models in a control room environment for early warning indications of potential crowd problems.
Lesson Topics
1 How to evaluate space
2 How to map crowded spaces
3 What is a model
4 How to model a site
5 How to influence site egress
6 Understand how to represent crowd flow on a site model
7 Understand the risks associated with a high density crowded space
8 Understand how to influence egress behaviour
6. RAMP analysis
The goal of this course module is to define the crowd dynamics using a technique we call a "RAMP" Analysis. This looks at the Routes, the Areas, the Movement (over time) and the crowd Profile (People) of the event space. This focus is on the crowd dynamics approaching, moving around and departing the site. We outline the principles and applications of RAMP analysis using a case study from a real-time crowd counting example.
Lesson Topics
1 Understanding the process of approximations
2 Defining complex spaces using approximations
3 Routes, Areas, Movement and Profile/People definitions
4 Establishing the arrival profile
5 Establishing crowd profiles
6 Using RAMP analysis for planning and managing crowds
7 How this was used to evaluate mass gatherings (case studies)
7. Crowd counting
The goal of this module is to demonstrate how we can assess crowd numbers using first pass approximations, the RAMP analysis and use this as a teaching exercise (Hong Kong protest march)
Lesson Topics
1 Crowd counting accuracy
2 Area analysis
3 Crowd density
4. Spot (area) analysis
5 Density and flow analysis
6 Transport and assembly areas (video)
7 Flow counting
8 Issues with crowd counting
8. Crowd monitoring
The goal of this module is to demonstrate how models can assist in decision support when they are integrated into the control room monitoring systems. We outline how to use the principles of influencing crowd behaviour for crowd safety management. We highlight the problem of control room perceptions and how to enhance the detection of potential crowd problems in the control room.
Lesson Topics
1 Inattentional blindness
2 Change blindness
3 Peripheral vision blindness
4 Influencing crowd behaviour
5 Crowd crazing
6 Influences of social media on crowds
7 How crowd behaviour is manipulated by marketing companies
9. Control room information
In this module, we show how models can be integrated into the control room monitoring systems. We illustrate the principles of attention, and why it is essential to understand the way our minds focus on information.
Lesson Topics
1 Attention and awareness (TED Talk)
2 Keeping information in the right place
3 Control room reference graphics
10. Queueing systems
The focus of this module is to establish the principles of how queues form and how crowds react in queueing systems. We outline the balance between safety (screening/searching) and security coupled with the crowd risks when queueing regimes are changed. We cover the principles of queueing behaviour, psychology and dynamics. We introduce the delegates to the general queueing model formula for determining queue build up over time. We focus on the balance between crowd safety and crowd security.
Lesson Topics
1 Queueing behaviour
2 Queueing systems
3 Balancing safety and security for events/venues/sites
4 Ingress (arrival rates)
5 Egress queuing systems
6 Site design for queueing systems
7 Using the queueing models
11. Crowd risk analysis
In this module, we introduce the students to the issues of public perceptions of risks, the professional perception of risk and issues related to risk reporting. We introduce the concepts of risk and congestion mapping for places of public assembly.
Lesson Topics
1 How the public perceives risks
2 How professional perceive risk
3 Key elements in risk awareness
4 Risk analysis during incident investigation
5 How the public understand risks (examples)
6 Key risk liabilities
7 The risk analysis process
8 Problems with information in the risk analysis
9 How to capture and communicate risks
10 Using the risk mapping for event planning/management
12. Site design
In this module, we review how crowd move around sites, how to construct a connection diagram and how to use this for site design. We outline the principles of using a basic connection diagram to assess crowd dynamics within a complex site.
Lesson Topics
1 Network modelling
2 Braess’s paradox
3 How to recognise Braess’s paradox
4 Modelling the Olympics site (1)
5 Calculating the minimum width of a route
6 Modelling the Olympic site (2)
7 Exhibition application
13. Event egress analysis
The objective of this module is to facilitate an event egress problem for the students to risk assess. The students are provided with a case study and introduced to the site dimensions and taken through a guided application of the risk assessment.
Lesson Topics
1 How to read maps/plans and apply data to a case study
2 How to model a site
3 How to communicate the risks
4 How to address key safety issues on a case study
14. Emergency response
Determining the resources required to provide optimal resource cover for a complex site has proven to be a very effective tool for cost-effective site cover. In this lecture, we cover the principles of using connection diagrams to determine optimal, cost-effective, resource deployment. In this module, we demonstrate how to apply the principles of network analysis to the problem of reducing the emergency response time for a complex site.
Lesson Topics
1 Network analysis
2 Time evaluation
3 Minimum response time analysis
4 Average response time analysis
5 Risk-Adjusted response time analysis
6 Application for a large area analysis
15. Crowd simulations
In this module, we outline the problems with simulations and how simulations and real-time analysis can provide misleading results. We demonstrate a Progressive crowd collapse for a Premier League analysis (UK) and evaluate how these risks can be identified and mitigated in stadia. We show how progressive crowd collapse can occur at a concert and the trigger effect that leads to progressive crowd collapse. We illustrate the difference between the “Hollywood” crowd/model, the computer scientists’ crowd/model and the risk analysis modelling approach to simulations. We outline the application of crowd simulations for risk analysis with emphasis on the “good, the bad and the dangerous” use of crowd simulations for major event planning.
Lesson Topics
1 Limits to crowd simulations (density limits)
2 Real crowd density
3 Crowd Collapse
4 Pressure modelling
5 Modelling crowd collapse
6 Examples of crowd collapse at football matches
7 Crowd collapse at a concert
8 Examples of different types of crowd simulations
9 How to use the simulation for crowd safety and risk analysis
16. Decision analysis
Assessing and analysing the effective use of resources, where investment is required, assessing communications and their effectiveness for events and determining key areas of vulnerabilities are covered in this lecture. In this module, we demonstrate the use of matrix analysis for crowd communication, professional communication, risk analysis related to time and location and how to build a crowd decision support analysis.
Lesson Topics
1 Examples of various decision support analysis techniques
2 Crowd communication
3 Risk v location v time
4 Time v density v flow v risk
17. Emergency situations
In this module, we outline the behavioural elements for an emergency situation, viewing the problems of emergency egress from the crowd’s perspective. We cover the human factors during emergency situations with specific focus on behavioural based safety, emergency communications.
Lesson Topics
1 Media issues and media management
2 Planning and anticipating problems
3 The recovery cycles
4 Communication with the Crowd
5 Mixed messages
6 Crowd behaviour in an emergency
7 Modelling major site evacuation plans
8 How to use a real-time evacuation system
9 Example – human behaviour in an emergency
10 Complacency on a site
11 Modelling evacuation
12 Understanding human behaviour in an emergency
13 Behavioural-based safety
14 Egress strategies and decision support analysis
18. Course summary
This module is a summary of all the core lectures and content for this course.
Lesson Topics
1 Introduction and overview
2 The DIM-ICE risk model
3 Crowd dynamics and crowd risks (Static and Moving)
4 Crowd Modelling for Events
5 RAMP Analysis
6 Crowd monitoring
7 Introduction to queueing systems
8 Risk Analysis
9 Site design considerations
10 Event egress analysis
11 Optimising emergency responses
12 Crowd simulations
13 Decision support analysis
14 Emergency Situations
19. Report writing
In this module, we cover how to write to the academic style and use Harvard referencing. You can submit a draft (typically the table of contents and some notes) for review prior to submitting your essays, via email.
20. The assessment papers
The first assessment paper is an essay discussing the development, application and a critical analysis of crowd science (crowd modelling and crowd dynamics). The minimum word count is 1,500 words. There is no upper limit to the word count.
The second assessment paper is an essay discussing the development, application, and uses of the various models discussed in the lectures. You must include examples of the modelling tools for an event including a critical analysis of their application. DIM-ICE, Density and flow rates, Risk and Congestion Mapping, RAMP Analysis, Decision Support Analysis, related to an event of your choice. Again, the minimum word count is 1,500 words. There is no upper limit to the word count.