Train the trainer courses
We have a number of trainers around the world (Holland/Belgium, Australia, Isreal, Iraq, USA, Canada, UK).
How do I qualify as a trainer?
There are three key steps for qualification in train the trainer.
1. Complete and pass both the online crowd safety courses (Level 3 and Level 5).
2. Attend the four day “Train the trainer” course where you will be provided with the background
and support materials for the course delivery. We can run these in parallel with classroom delivery (can be via zoom)
3. Deliver the course materials (under supervised conditions) with a registered tutor.
How to teach the materials
Pedagogy is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of education, the study and practice of how best to teach. We run the train-the-trainer course specifically focusing on delivering crowd safety and crowd risk analysis materials to different types of delegates and cultures.
To become a qualified trainer, Contact us with your background, professional qualifications and teaching/training experience.
Where is the course on the educational hierarchy
A range of endorsed programmes are not recognised by the academic institutions. Although these have some value (training), the problem can be in converting these endorsed programs and/or moving into a recognised accredited programme for formal qualifications. I have developed and taught modules at Levels 3, 5, 6 and 7 (MSc).
The train-the-trainer programme ensures the quality of the teaching materials and mapping to further education.
Contact us if you want to join our network of trainers.
Course Delivery
The course is delivered by Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still and takes the trainer through various materials, including presentation style and delegate management skills. An essential element of course delivery is the structure of the key learning points and how they relate to queueing theory, mass behaviour and crowd psychology.
Keith covers the scientific background of the five main tools (DIM-ICE, Crowd Dynamics, RAMP Analysis, Risk and Congestion Mapping and Decision Support Analysis) and their application for crowd safety and risk analysis in places of public assembly. He outlines the course structure and why key elements of face-to-face delivery require a layered approach to the key learning process. He covers the theory, development, delivery and background of his workshop approach to pedagogy.
Presentation style and consistent delivery are core requirements for the Train the Trainer program qualification..
We have a number of trainers around the world (Holland/Belgium, Australia, Isreal, Iraq, USA, Canada, UK).
How do I qualify as a trainer?
There are three key steps for qualification in train the trainer.
1. Complete and pass both the online crowd safety courses (Level 3 and Level 5).
2. Attend the four day “Train the trainer” course where you will be provided with the background
and support materials for the course delivery. We can run these in parallel with classroom delivery (can be via zoom)
3. Deliver the course materials (under supervised conditions) with a registered tutor.
How to teach the materials
Pedagogy is the discipline that deals with the theory and practice of education, the study and practice of how best to teach. We run the train-the-trainer course specifically focusing on delivering crowd safety and crowd risk analysis materials to different types of delegates and cultures.
To become a qualified trainer, Contact us with your background, professional qualifications and teaching/training experience.
Where is the course on the educational hierarchy
A range of endorsed programmes are not recognised by the academic institutions. Although these have some value (training), the problem can be in converting these endorsed programs and/or moving into a recognised accredited programme for formal qualifications. I have developed and taught modules at Levels 3, 5, 6 and 7 (MSc).
The train-the-trainer programme ensures the quality of the teaching materials and mapping to further education.
Contact us if you want to join our network of trainers.
Course Delivery
The course is delivered by Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still and takes the trainer through various materials, including presentation style and delegate management skills. An essential element of course delivery is the structure of the key learning points and how they relate to queueing theory, mass behaviour and crowd psychology.
Keith covers the scientific background of the five main tools (DIM-ICE, Crowd Dynamics, RAMP Analysis, Risk and Congestion Mapping and Decision Support Analysis) and their application for crowd safety and risk analysis in places of public assembly. He outlines the course structure and why key elements of face-to-face delivery require a layered approach to the key learning process. He covers the theory, development, delivery and background of his workshop approach to pedagogy.
Presentation style and consistent delivery are core requirements for the Train the Trainer program qualification..